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Cindy Sexton

From: Puyallup WA
Registered: 03/20/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Tuesday, July 01, 2008, 10:54:35 PM     view Cindy Sexton profile  reply to this message  send private message to Cindy Sexton 

I'm so sorry we couldn't get enough interest in the NW to bring Anna up to evaluate our dogs. Now that fuel--both gas & jet--have gotten so high, I don't see that I'll be able to take Bogey to Texas before he's too old to breed. I was really hoping we could pull it off. Maybe someone has an idea that will work.

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Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Friday, July 11, 2008, 05:29:52 PM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 

I, too am disappointed in the lack of interest in getting these dogs appraised and paired up.  I was under the impression that the club was eager to get owners willing to breed their dogs, and that is was almost our responsibility to keep them 'intact' for that purpose.  I live in North Carolina and do not even know what 'group' I belong in with my 18 month old female, due to come into heat for the second cycle soon.  There was a southeast group mentioned, but response has been slow, and nothing moving towards getting a meeting underway.  I have offered to take her to one of the members that can evaluate dogs for conformity, but have not recd. any contact information for her.  I would really like to go ahead and spay Dejka if mating is not in her is not good for her to keep going into heat and is a complicating factor for us when travelling with her, etc.  

I am a little unsure of where to turn to have some of these issues resolved,  any suggestions?????




From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Sunday, August 03, 2008, 09:36:45 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 


I know we already discussed all this via email (and you should have recieved Liz's contact info), but I think it is important for other members to understand the situation as theirs might be similar.

Every RSC dog is valuable to the breeding program. We want all of them evaluated and, if possible, included in the breeding program. That is why we put so much time and effort into importing without charging anyone even a penny! However, we are all very spread out across the continent. The club does not collect any dues, so the expense of a trip to evaluate dogs is shared by those members who participate in the meeting. I can arrange to fly to your house just to see Dejka, but I doubt it would be the best financial decision, right? You are within driving distance of Maryland where Dejka can get evaluated individually without spending that much.

Lees, please recall our conversation when we worked with you on importing Dejka. RSC needs more help. There is too much to do and not enough people to do all those things. It is my personal hope that someone will offer his or her time and effort to help RSC. We are greatful to Chris for taking over some of the work. But even with her help we are still overwelmed. So, as far as arranging meetings, we have to rely on local members. Also, we can not MAKE people do something they don't want to do, and it is very frustrating for people like you who want to get this done and for us well.

I hope RSC members who read this letter will support us by a) offering help and/or b)becoming responsive when it comes to organize a meeting in their area!


Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 07:37:56 AM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 


I have received your email with Liz's contact information. Thank you very much.  I will be contacting her soon and plan to bring her up to DC this fall for eval.

I do remember you  asking for help when our pup was first imported.  I would like to help but not sure what is needed. Can you post a list of tasks or roles that need to be filled, so that interested people could become involved?  Would it be possible to provide members with names, locations, and contact info on other owners so that we could talk directly to each other?

I know you have worked very hard, that this is a hobby for you as well, and that you also have a job and a personal life like the rest of us.  Please let me (us?) know how to help!



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