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Junior Member

From: albuquerque nm
Registered: 01/21/05
Posts: 10
Date Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2005, 08:23:30 AM     view Louie's-Mom profile  reply to this message  send private message to Louie's-Mom 

Seems to me, we are putting the cart b4 the horse. Perhaps we should invite each and every RSC registered owner to join the club, and pay agreed upon club membership fees, with this in place, it may be assistance to help fund our judge for the first meeting. Then hold election of officers for the national club and for each regional club. Until we decide on this, i fear that our meeting is not going to occur until organization is formed As I said before, I'm in and volunteer to assist in arrangements.

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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2005, 08:24:50 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

Liz and I have discussed over and over the issue of instating membership fees, so that we can finance events for RSC members. At this point, neither of us has the time or expertise to handle finances for the club. We would need someone willing to take on this responsibility.

We also need some initial capital to set things up... Some things we have already purchased with our own money: large hotmail mailbox, DSL connection, domain registration and fees, club logo embossers, hardware upgrades to the computer used as the server for the website, as well as paying for lots of long distance phone calls all the time... I doubt that there is a need to list everything. You all understand that there is a limit to what Liz and I can personally do without your help.

These things are needed before we can start collecting membership fees...

Junior Member

From: albuquerque nm
Registered: 01/21/05
Posts: 10
Date Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2005, 08:26:17 AM     view Louie's-Mom profile  reply to this message  send private message to Louie's-Mom 

Anna, I work at an ISP and I'm sure I can assist with domain registrations, host charges and mailing list mailboxes. Have your web master get in touch with me at 888-792-7266 We can discuss what is needed for the web site and see how much of it i can take care of. I'll talk with our techs here and see what they can do to help a nation wide club make communication simpler. If you have a list of email addresses or hard addresses, I would be happy to contact all owners and test the waters for the turn out on membership fees.

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