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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Friday, December 14, 2007, 09:06:38 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

RSC members in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, S. Carolina!

We need to plan a meeting! It will be fun for everyone to get together and an opportunity for many to have their dogs evaluated for breeding.

Please start suggesting when and where will be most conveniet for you.


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Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 05:28:15 AM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 

I have a one year old female that I would like to have evaluated, and would also like her to meet some of the 'local' studs.  In looking at the rsc registry, seems there is Gaston in Raleigh and Char Batist in Virginia that may be likely suitors.  Dejka lives in NC, along the coast.

Maybe we could meet sometime for an informal gathering?  Or have Liz meet us somewhere for evals??



Registered: 02/11/08
Posts: 3
Date Posted: Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 05:34:32 PM     view ealashle profile  reply to this message  send private message to ealashle 

Hey we are the proud owners of Grits (Ricochet) and would love to get together this summer for the meeting. He will turn 3 in April and hasn't been evaluated yet. We would like to go to the Southeast meeting to meet other Russian Spaniel owners, share stories, and of course have Grits evaluated. We are in Greenville, SC but are flexible where to travel. We would like for it to possibly be a nearby state (North Carolina, Georgia, Florida or even better South Carolina!!) We look forward to meeting you!! Elizabeth and Nick Woods:)


Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 12:36:53 PM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 

Hi Elizabeth and Nick.  Great to hear someone else is interested in gathering.  Since russian spaniels are so few and far between, it will be great fun to meet some of the others!!  We adore Dejka and wish we had more space so we could have a few more around!!!  Do you hunt with Grits?  Dejka is a relentless tennis ball fetcher and LOVES to swim.  Luckily there is lots of water near us, and I try to keep a steady supply of tennis balls as well.  We are not hunters, though.

Summer is fine for us.  Dejka just turned 1 in January and her first heat cycle ended late in December.  Hard to predict when her next one would be (probably June, July or Aug??) but hope she is NOT in heat for the meeting.  I think she is too young to breed yet, and she has not been evaluated anyway.


Registered: 02/11/08
Posts: 3
Date Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2008, 06:02:44 PM     view ealashle profile  reply to this message  send private message to ealashle 

This summer sounds great! It will be wonderful to finally meet other Russian Spaniel owners and share stories. Grits gives us something to laugh about daily. Nick hunts however the training is a little out of our budget at the moment. We have a fenced in backyard surrounded by woods and he loves to chase and terrorize the birds. Grits too loves the water, balls of any sort, and squeaky toys. He enjoys playing fetch and hide and go seek. We look forward to meeting Dejka. Grits gets along well with other dogs, so I am sure it will be a great time! I hope the Southeast meeting will work out, so we can meet and they can be evaluated. Looking forward to a possible meeting this summer! Elizabeth and Nick


From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2008, 06:14:13 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

Dog's name Owner's name Location Eval needed?
Duchess Alexandra (F)* Lane Stiles Atlanta, GA no
Sherriff (M)* Lane Stiles Atlanta, GA no
Maiya (F) Alex Amit Atlanta, GA yes
Izabelle (F)* Lina Mukina Clermont, FL yes
Natasha Lara (F) Walter Alford Ponte Verda Beach, FL yes
Nadya Sofiya (F) Walter Alford Ponte Verda Beach, FL yes
Ricochet (M) Elizabeth Lashley Simpsonville, SC yes
Bari-Cheena (F) Jason Rhodes Montgomery, AL yes
Daphni (F)* Karen Powell Mount Pleasant, SC yes
Texie Svetlana (F) Leslie Allen Tallahassee, FL yes
Tasha (F)* ??? Tallahassee, FL yes
Polly (F) James Russell FL & Bahamas yes

There are the dogs in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, S. Carolina.

I did not count Dejka as she is in NC, but she is most definitely welcome!!!

We need someone to take charge of getting this meeting together. Please help!!!!


Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Monday, March 10, 2008, 07:08:09 AM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 

Anna, I did not see a thread for a central or northeast group, or I would have probably entered that one.  Am I missing something?  Seems like there would be a group for Virginia, NC, Maryland..........and maybe more males?  I can probably help out with arrangements once I determine which group Dejka will belong to.  

Sounds fun!



Registered: 01/28/06
Posts: 7
Date Posted: Friday, July 11, 2008, 05:56:11 PM     view leesandcraig profile  reply to this message  send private message to leesandcraig 

Hi Elizabeth,

I did not see any more information about a SE meeting, but then was browsing the registry and saw that Grits had had his evaluation.  Was there a meeting after all?  How did you get him evaluated, and what was the outcome?  I think he is very cute.


Registered: 02/11/08
Posts: 3
Date Posted: Friday, July 25, 2008, 06:33:56 PM     view ealashle profile  reply to this message  send private message to ealashle 

Hey Lees, I'm not sure if the meeting was ever put in place. Anna sent an e-mail in May explaining she would be in the Atlanta area. We met here there and had Grits evaluated. It went very well, and he was approved for breeding:):) We are now just waiting for a suitable mate. Anna said she would keep us informed when one became available. I would e-mail Anna to check on any upcomming meetings or places in which you could meet her. I hope things work out. Keep us informed of how things go!


From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 02:12:10 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

Let's plan a meeting for Southeast dogs! We have to evaluate as many dogs as we can this year. Otherwise, the club's breeding program will never take off. Any good dates in March? I could definitely arrange something 3/6-8, 3/20-22 and could possibly come on other dates in March or on 4/3-5. Please respond!

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