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Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 15
Date Posted: Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 04:29:27 PM     view CraftyChris profile  reply to this message  send private message to CraftyChris 

Hi Anna! I have a couple of questions about breeding. I'm pretty "green" on this topic and I know my vet could probably answer my first question, but I thought I'd start with our club. What is a good age to start breeding for both male and female dogs? How does one choose a suitable "mate"? Would the club be involved in approving the match as they are in Russia? Since all of the male dogs in our club are kind of far from me, my vet mentioned artificial insemination. Would this be an option with the club if it were agreeable with both parties? Would the puppies be recognized and registered by the RSC? --Nika's Mom--

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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Tuesday, March 08, 2005, 11:41:40 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

Q. What is a good age to start breeding for both male and female dogs?

A. Russian Spaniels should be be bred prior to 18 months, preferably around 2 years or later.


Q. How does one choose a suitable "mate"? Would the club be involved in approving the match as they are in Russia?

A. Yes, at this point RSC will follow similar guidelines to those used in Russia. Each mate will have to be selected by RSC based on pedigrees, exerior and field qualities. Once the breed is recognized by the UKC, there will be strict guidelines on breeding to prevent inbreeding and split of the breed into field/show groups.


Q. Since all of the male dogs in our club are kind of far from me, my vet mentioned artificial insemination. Would this be an option with the club if it were agreeable with both parties?

A. There should be no problem with AI as long as you provide RSC with some documentation on that. However, it might be cheaper (or at least the same) just to send your female over to the male's house for a few days like we did when breeding Dina and Fedya last year.


Q. Would the puppies be recognized and registered by the RSC?

A. Puppies born from pre-approved breeding will be issued RSC pedigree papers.

kids and puppies

Junior Member

Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 15
Date Posted: Monday, March 14, 2005, 08:53:49 AM     view CraftyChris profile  reply to this message  send private message to CraftyChris 

Thanks for the information, Anna. It was very helpful.

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